Friday, April 16, 2010

Every Women has a Secret…

Dedicated to women especially...
This article is completely based on my assumptions….so this is truly my opinion I don’t know how many of you are going agree to it
Lately iam coming across women who have a very new , different, irregular, so not familiar type of secrets. I am sure each and every women by now has some or the other beautifull, funny, annoying, stupid…..etc..etc…secrets in them…. And these women cannot share it with any one or everyone…those are the secrets which are to be shared with only those special ppl in life …or may be those secrets are kinda better kept to herself..
I being a women myself(so happy about the
fact that iam a women )have so many secrets which I hav
en’t shared with anyone coz ppl might think I am stupid or may be iam dumb..(even though I hardly care about what ppl think…but still…)so I love to keep them with me…coz they are different and rare..and I love my secrets…
Just like me every women has her own secrets. They either keep them to themselves or let them out to their loved ones… Some don’t let it out coz they think when ppl get to know about it…they will laugh at them…or insult them or….think they are dumb or crazy…so they just keep it to themselves…

Every women is special..every women has a feeling and sometimes she just let goes of it….she is someone who will listen to her man’s crap or yeah I agree they also talk some sensible crap sometimes….(crap said by boyfriend , Husband, best friend(male), father, brother, gol gappewala… or even the servants problems at times…) or even for t
he matter of fact get it out of their mouth…Its very hard to get something out of a women’s mouth but very easy from a mans mouth…
Women –let it be how ever they are …long, short, fat, slim, ugly beautifull ….whatever relationship they share with anyone…will always take things as they come quietly and feel the moment…and not say anything to anyone…
All I am trying to say is…. Women are truly special…and each women has a different and an unique liking which somewhere or sometime in her she will not share it with anyone due to any reason… That one secret makes her different from other women..

Here iam sharing on of my major secrets in life….
And I would love it if you guyz share some of yours too..and yes men can also share their comments and secrets..they are always welcome….
One of my major secrets… I love food…I can eat one whole VEG

I love Romantic movies even though I say I love action movies more… (don’t ask me why I do so)
Some which I have picked on women…I really liked them…
Women are always beautiful. ~Ville Valo
Next to the wound, what women make best is the bandage. ~Jules Barbey d'Aurevilly
“A man falls in love through his eyes, a woman through her ears.”
Cheers to women… Share your secrets am waiting to know ppl like me...